Discussion about Apple networking gear

I am slightly amused here that people here are also blaming the network. It seems to be the go to boogie man for Roon problems. No matter the network config, whether its an Apple Airport or my professionally installed and set up 100% ubiquity network using Cat8 cabling throughout my house and gigabit internet access…

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Well, because in many cases, it does indeed seem to often be the culprit. ISP provided routers are usually not top performers, and people don’t tend to upgrade them very often. Added to which, randomly adding wifi extenders and managed switches often leads to situations of double NAT, multiple DHCP, different scopes, and DNS problems.


^^^This is correct.

Roon blamed this network for a problem you were having and that turned out not to be the case?

I’d like to see that link.

Edit: OK, I found the link. Since it hasn’t yet been addressed by support, it’ll be interesting to see how the problem is resolved.

Thank you. I feel the same way. Not necessarily Roon Support, but the well-intentioned community responders generally tend to be quick to blame the victim. My network is aging, but it still performs and measures well above average in every way except in handling Roon. The rational conclusion is that the problem is with the program not the network.

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Had a good laugh at some of the comments here. Having just switched from a whole house multiple AirPort Extreme setup to Orbi wifi 6 product set, I can clearly state that my experience is somewhat different:

Airport Extreme’s have been one of the most robust and no fuss ‘personal’ wifi devices I have ever owned. And my experience running Roon on a properly setup AirPort Extreme roaming network was generally a perfect working experience.

Netgear ORBI products could learn a lesson or 100 from Apple…

My 0.02 :slight_smile:


If you use a VW Beetle to tow an Airstream trailer and you can’t travel faster than 30 m.p.h., the rational conclusion is not that there is something wrong with the VW or the Airstream.

Simply that they are mismatched.

Wonder how your problems end up being resolved.


Your analogy illustrates exactly the point I was trying to make. Thanks for the support.

Sorry about that. My conclusion was (temporarily) incomplete.

I’ve been on this forum a long time, some would say too long, and the problems you and others describe in this thread are almost always environmental.

That’s OK, let’s see what the resolution is.


Quite right. Whether IPs are static or reserved is merely a matter of where they are defined. On the DHCP server or on the client. The advantage of reservations is easy management and, indeed, avoiding consequent conflicts due to forgotten static devices. The advantage of statics is that you don’t have to manually bind your DHCP to MAC addresses. So, either is perfectly sound. On a small network the discussion is moot.


I didn’t see Roon support blaming your professionally installed network in this thread.
Others did though.

Doesn’t really matter now that you discovered that the culprit is probably your 2011 Mini.

SO you saw everyone blaming the network, thanks.

And, the fact that this happened after the last update still points the fingers straight at the Roon software. Whats changed is I now have figured out the workaround for it.

Yep, but only Roon support counts.

I’ve run Core on a 2014 Mini. It ran like :poop:

Good luck.

It ran very well for me until the latest update on my 2011 Mini.

Like it or not even Roon’s recommended minimum spec excludes any Mac mini pre 2012 models and if you are running without an SSD or adding in something like HQP on top of Roon Core (server or AIO) you are going to be getting issues when things demand more grunt.

different horses for different courses. and yes even a reasonable roon experience is not ideal on a 2014 i5 macmini - I too have tried it and even a 2012 i7 Quadcore server model didn’t cope well for long.

if music means so much to you dont spare the horses and get something with a good amount of headroom.

remember roon is improving its features all the time…from the days of V1.2 and 1.3 much has changed in the database, interface and system demands, and that will only demand more of your hardware as new things get added in the future.


my 2015 Mini doesn’t run anything worth a :poop: :see_no_evil:

Out of casual interest what was the workaround?

Buying a more powerful server to compensate for whatever is causing the increase in processing power needed since the last update.

My 2011 Mini with its i5, SSD, and 16GB of RAM more than meets these specs and until the latest update was running Roon Core just fine. Second, HQPlayer takes less processor power than Roon Server.

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That will very much depend on the options in HQP that you are using. I don’t run HQP but I know that it can bog down even a seriously beefy system with many of its options.