Distorted sound using Roon - Good sound using Bluesound app

Core Machine (Operating system/System info/Roon build number)

Windows 10 Home
Intel Core i5-6260U CPU @ 1.80Ghz (Intel NUC) 16 GB

Network Details (Including networking gear model/manufacturer and if on WiFi/Ethernet)

Cable connected Core machine
Cable connected Audio devices
Fritzbox modem / primary switch
Zyxel GS 1900/24 / secondary switch

Audio Devices (Specify what device you’re using and its connection type - USB/HDMI/etc.)

Bluesound Pulse Mini
DALI sound hub with Bluesound plug-in (Uncertified)

Description Of Issue
Since about a week the music doesn’t sound pure anymore. It’s hard to describe: the song seems normal but at times it sounds distorted; like damaged compact discs sounded in the old days.
When I play the same song (regardless of Qobuz or private storage) through the Blusound app, it sounds fine on all devices.
For example: Mare Nostrum at 1:29 - see attachment.

Maybe something to do with the recent update for uncertified devices?

Gr Erik

What is the signal path looking like…and dsp in play?

Signal path Dali hub

An update: since Sunday everything is working fine again. Just like that. Thankfully!
The question remains: what was going on last week when the playback quality in Roon was so poor, while there was nothing going on when playing from the Bluesound app?

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