DSD up sampling-ROON-Eversolo DMP6

Eversolo DSD up sampling to DSD512 across wired connection (Windows11) was working flawlessly until yesterday. Now stalls with ‘file loading too slow…’ message. Native DSD streaming from folders having same issue. Any clues?

I would assume either a network issue or a processing issue. DSD512 is a large amount of data. In your signal path what is the processing speed showing when playing these files. Posting a pic of the Signal Path might help.

Here you are:

Hey @dilGEET,

Thanks for sharing your report, it’s good to see you on the community again! Based on a recent diagnostic report, we’re seeing tracks stopping due to too many dropouts, here’s an example:

Warn: [Eversolo] [zoneplayer/raat] Too many dropouts (>3s dropped out in the last 30s). Killing stream
Trace: [Eversolo] [zoneplayer/raat] too many dropouts. stopping stream

Our first theory here is some sort of network bandwidth throttling, can you provide more details around your network setup, and how your Roon Server and Eversolo device are connected within your local network? Can you get a direct ethernet connection to your primary router for both devices?

We’ll be on standby for your reply. Thank you! :raised_hands:

oh well … on its own it’s all working fine now since past few days, DSD512 up sampling etc.

Strange enough, the problem started after Helene related power outage. Any thoughts?

My setup is:
I5/Windows 11 desktop as Roon core/ Eversolo connected via wired ethernet CAT 6 (albeit over powerline adapter).

(on the side, DLNA is off and on impacting related services like JRiver, MusicCast etc.)

Appreciate your prompt attention!

Try connecting both directly with ethernet to the router or a switch. Powerline adapters are not recommended, especially for the large amount of data being moved with dsd512

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