DSP volume issues with NuPrime uDSD

@support, I’ve just encountered weird behaviour with a uDSD I’m wanting to deploy at my desktop, directly into some active ATC bookshelves.

I’m unable to set DSP volume limits successfully. At first it seemed the settings took and when I the started playback I almost had a heart attack as my ATC’s went off their rocker loud. Thank goodness the speakers were within arm’s reach so I could flip the power switch. Haven’t checked yet whether the tweeter survived.

I’ve since rebooted server, restarted bridge and uDSD. DSP volume settings keep reverting to 0 and if you select reset the lower limit is set to -80. Fresh out of idea re what next?

Hey @evand — I appreciate you reaching out!

I’ve passed your report along to the team and they’re going to investigate your reported behavior further. I’ll be sure to update you once I’ve received their feedback on this.


Closed due to inactivity. If you are still seeing this issue, please open a new support thread.