Duplicate Albums on iPhone But Not on iPad in Roon Client (ref#AWJXOB)

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I can see some albums duplicated on iphone but not on ipad. The same Rock, only my ripped albums. I cleaned cache reinstall Roon client on smartphone. Inspektor didn't found duplicates. I have only 70 Cds ripoed but many albums is visible as duplicates. Not all and only on iphone

Describe your network setup

Fritz! great router

Can you please check that setting on your affected device?


Hi @Wojtulek,

To echo @BlackJack, please verify whether you have Show Hidden Tracks and Albums toggled “On” or “Off.” This setting is remote-specific and will impact how many versions of an album are displayed in the Browser.

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For me no changes after switching (was off). And I have only one JMJ album.
But 2 days later it looks OK so it is fixed but not sure why :slight_smile:
I also have indeed 2 version of the same album another artist but it looked ok.
Maybe iPhone restart due to iOS update fix it…
Anyway thank and for sure I will monitor it in the future :slight_smile: