Elina duni, A Time to Remember, mix-up of metadata

Content you’re reporting an issue with

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Is the album identified in Roon?

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Screenshot of import settings

Description of the issue

The album “A Time to Remember” by Elina Duni (ECM) has a mixed-up track list and I cannot correct it by “Identify album” and reorder tracks. In the finder, in the respective folder, the order of tracks is correct.
The track list always reverts to the wrong sequence of songs. Is this a problem of Roon’s data base or a hick-up in the program?

strange… all OK here with that album - in ROON as in the storage location…

Hi @WKW ,

Can you please post a few screenshots of what you are seeing before/after the reorder?

Hi noris:

  1. I have one copy in the music folder identified as library in Roon. There is one Elina Duni (ED) folder containing one folder for the album “A Time to Remember” (TtR). There is the correct order of tracks (Screenshot 1).
  2. Searching for the artist ED in Roon gives two results for TtR (SS 2).
  3. Both of the two results are ALAC (my music file format), but only one has the correct track order (SS 3), the other one is wrong (SS 4).
  4. When I go to Home in Roon, there is only one version of TtR (SS 5). This one has the wrong track order (SS 4).
  5. This means that Roon shows two versions of only one physical copy of the album. Can this be a problem with a cache?

Hi @noris
I just discovered another instance of halluzinated mixed-up tracks with another album. The pattern is the same as with the example above. There are two images of the album with different track orders each.
That is really strange.

I notice that @noris has given up on this problem 9 days ago, even after I posted the requested screenshots.

That’s a pity.

Or still busy (amongst other tasks)? A small progress report would help…


As per the support template, please would you provide the following information?

Have you made any edits to this content in Roon?
Is the album identified in Roon?
Screenshot of import settings

Also please can you also post details of your file tags for these tracks, including the disc and track numbers?

It also might (but might not) be instructive to enable track numbering (Settings → General → (ALBUM PAGE PREFERENCES) Show track numbers).

Have you made any edits to this content in Roon?
I tried with the Elina Duni album but to no avail. I show another equally strange album here where I did not try to correct the track order: Fritz Hauser, Spettro.

Is the album identified in Roon?
Both versions of Elina Duni “A Time to Remember” appearing in Roon (see SS2 before) are identified by Roon (Roon identification for ED 1, Roon identification for ED 2).

Neither of the two versions of Spettro are identified by Roon.

Screenshot of import settings

I turned on track numbers and the two versions of the albums, the correctly track-ordered one and the incorrectly track-ordered one, show divergent track numbers:

The same pattern (all tracks have number “1” versus tracks are numbered “1, 2, 3,…”) also shows on the Spettro album.

Thanks for posting this info.

This suggests that the “track number” metadata in your file tags for these albums are incorrect.

@joel: Thanks, but

“… the “track number” metadata in your file tags for these albums are incorrect.”

is not true. The tracks for both albums are correctly numbered in Apple.Music and in the artist and album folder the numbering of track files is also correct. I copy again the screenshot from my earlier post:

Sorry, your quick answer does not explain the existence of wrongly numbered phantom albums.

Hi @WKW, I’m not referring to the track numbers in the filenames of the tracks, but the track numbers in the tags of the files themselves, which I think are incorrect and in conflict with the filenames.

@support, please can you help the customer in figuring this one out?


thanks. I solved this problem by re-downloading and re-importing the volumes. That seems to have solved the issue for the time being.
Compared with my earlier experience, present day Roon support seems to wither, unfortunately.

I’m glad you got it sorted.

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