Endless Spinner

Is anyone else still seeing the endless spinner after the 154 build. I am getting it on both my iPad and Mac Mini.

@Stuart_Taylor Have a read of the last few posts in this thread


Are you sure that is the thread that you meant to link to? It does not mention the spinner. Anyway, I turned the audio analysis off and back on and it made no difference.

@Stuart_Taylor, so when you click on the spinner what do you see? can you post a screenshot.


It says “adding music to library. Of 1742 tracks, 1742 added, 0 identified”
I have not added anything to my library for over a week and I have about 19,000 songs. I also note that the most recent additions don’t have any Roon metadata.

This can be a network problem. Are you sure that machine, where Roon Core is running, connected to the Internet? If so, try to check firewall settings, maybe Roon’s requests are being blocked by it.

The computer is connected to the Internet. I can confirm that I can play Tidal albums through Roon. I also have checked and I do not appear to have a firewall on either the computer or my router. I am using a Mac Mini as my core/storage, an iPad as the controller and an Auralic Aries as the endpoint. I am having no trouble playing music but I have stopped getting Roon metadata since the spinner started its endless spin. I am running build 154 on both the Mac and the iPad. Do you think I should delete and reinstall Roon on my Mac. I am worried that if I do this that I will lose the metadata that I have already got.

Hi Stuart,

Have you tried quitting Roon (or Roon Server) on the Mac Mini core and restarting?

Cheers, Greg

I have restarted Roon and have restarted the computer several times. It has made no difference

This type of problem was supposed to be addressed in the latest release.

Another long standing issue relates to endless “Identifying” spinners after an import – we’ve been hearing about this issue for a while, but we were finally able to pinpoint the cause and resolve the issue for this release.

So, let’s get @support to take another look at this. They may want to get some logs from you.

Cheers, Greg

I deleted Roon and installed Roon Server and the spinner disappeared and the metadata is up to date but I now need to run it from my iPad, as I have no controller on my Mac mini. I then deleted Roon Server and reinstalled the complete Roon package and the spinner came back so I uninstalled it and went back to Roon Server and the spinner disappeared again. Are you sure that there is not some difference between the two packages.

Hi @Stuart_Taylor ---- Thank you for your feedback and my apologies for the trouble here. I would like to get a copy of your logs over to our developers and will be contacting you via PM momentarily with instructions on how to do so. Thanks!


Closed due to inactivity. If you are still seeing this issue, please open a new support thread.