“Error Checking for an Update”

This happened on my win 10 pro bridge.
It was perfect few months before.
Now it shows “Error Checking for an Update”.
And also can’t recognize the version of win10.

I tried to download the latest version of bridge.
But nothing change.
Btw I have the latest version of win 10 pro.

My experience, Roon’s uninstall procedure leaves data in the Window registry that can result in a new install not working properly.

My advise is to run a cleaning program such as free Ccleaner after Roon uninstall, to have a completely clean registry.
Then install the new version.

If it does not work, it certainly does not hurt.

You are on the latest version at this time. If things are working just wait for support to advise your next move


Do you still have RoonBridge added as a Windows Exception?

Since you are using a Windows PC, I would verify that RoonBridge.exe has been added as exception to your Windows firewall.

You can use these instructions to add the exceptions and the executables themselves would be located in your Database Location folder path.

I would also add these exceptions to any Antivirus or other Firewall blocking applications you may have and ensure that you connected to your network via a Private network, not a Public one, see this guide for more information.

Thank you. I will.

Hi. @noris,

Yes. RoonBridge is added as a Windows Exception as before.
I don’t have any Antivirus or other app in my PC.
I also changed my network to Private network as you said. But still got error.
As roonbridge is function well I will just leave it like that at the moment …:sweat:
Thank you very much.

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Hi @anon90297517,
I will try that on my next day off.
Thanks for the advice.

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