MacMini i5, 8GB Ram, Apple AirPort Time Capsule, ethernet connection to MacMini, usb connection to McIntosh 8950.
Hello, I’ve noticed lately that if I’m listening to music, and playing random tracks, rather than listening to a complete album, I get an error message every now and then. Failed to Initialize Audio Device followed by No Audio Device Found and Manage Audio Devices.
I then need to reselect the McIntosh before music will play.
This doesn’t happen all the time, but it does happen fairly consistently, every four or five songs. It doesn’t matter if I change tracks in the middle of the song, or if I let the song finish and then select a new track. It even happens if I jump from one radio station to another.
This is new, it only began in the past 2 weeks. It happens if I’m selecting music on the MacMini, or selecting music from a remote, such as my iPhone or iPad.
Thanks, Andy
Does this happen with material of same sample rate and bit depth, or only when these are different?
If only on rate/depth changes, try Resync delay in device configuration for the McIntosh.
I’ve tinkered with the Resync Delay in the device configuration for the McIntosh. I didn’t know where to start so I tried 5000ms and 10000ms It was a really good idea, but in both instances I’m still getting the intermittent error messages. Failed to Initialize Audio Device followed by No Audio Device Found and Manage Audio Devices
I was able to confim however that this only occurs when I go from files with a different sample rate and bit depth. I was hoping that maybe there might be other things I could try and resolve this.
Thanks, Andy
I’m noticing an increase in the frequency that the error message occurs. Also, It’s no longer bit rate specific and it happens when using Qobuz and Live Radio.
I had the cable company come by to look at the specs for the internet and modem. Everything is good there. I really don’t know how to proceed. Is there some sort of estimate as to when I may be able to get some help from Roon tech suppport? Thanks, Andy
Sorry @Andy211
I just read your thread and this came to my mind:
You are very patient indeed. After all, you asked for help 17 days ago.
Tagging @support for you and I hope the support team will get in touch with you soon.
Sorry for the delay in following up with you. If possible, can you please reproduce the issue and share a timestamp of when the issue occurs? Do this first.
To confirm this only happens when playing audio from Qobuz or Live Radio? Not any local content? Does this happen if you play audio from the system output of your core?
I’d also be curious to see how things run on a fresh database. Steps to follow below:
Thank you for your reply! I do appreciate it.
I was able to replicate the issue before farily easily;
3:27PM est, Going from 44 to 192 with two Qobuz tracks.
3:31PM est, Going from 96 to 44 with two tracks from library.
3:33PM est, Going from live radio stream of 128mbps to a flac stream.
I then forgot to perform a backup (oh well, I have a recent enough back up) and proceeded to set up a fresh database following your instructions. The issue was replicated easily enough with Qobuz and live radio. On my library tracks, it too was replicated, but not as easily or quickly as before.
Should I restore my Roon to my most recent back up at this point?
While we take a closer look, could you also provide your specific router model? If possible, as a next step, take a look through your router configuration and disable any features related to multicast (unless it’s something like “enable multicast over wifi”) or IGMP snooping.
I will follow up once we’re able to review diagnostics.
I’m sorry Benjamin, I couldn’t get back to you any sooner. Also, thank you for clarifying what you meant by playing audio through the system output. It was plain enough what you were asking, it just didn’t register. When I play the audio through the system output of the core (mac mini), I could not replicate the issue. The problem only occurs when I play it through the McIntosh 8950. The firmware version for the 8950 is v2.06.
No problem at all! That’s a good thing to note, thanks for giving that a try. You are correct in that our issue lies somewhere between Roon and the McIntosh (which on a side note, looks to be an awesome piece of gear!)
Performing a RAAT Server database refresh may be helpful in this case - steps to follow below:
It really is a nice piece of gear. I followed your steps, deleted the RAATServer folder and the Roon folder. I reinstalled Roon, and started it up. The library seems much more stable now. I can go from track to track, no matter the bit rate and all appears fine. The error message will occur on Live Radio, which really isn’t a problem. The error message appears for Quboz when going from tracks with varying bit rates. So already, this is a nice improvement.
To confirm, you are now only seeing Error: Failed to Initialize the Audio Device when streaming audio from Live Radio and or Qobuz?
If you hardwire your core device to your router via ethernet, and reboot your router, does this issue still occur? We’ll need a fresh timestamp the next time this issue happens as well. Thank you!
Last friday it seemed like the error messages when switching tracks with different bit rates in my library was fixed. Unfortunately it wasn’t. I do have the core device hardwired to my router via ethernet. I rebooted the router and tried again. Unfortunately, I still get error messages on the radio, Qobuz and my library. Below are the time stamps you requested.
Thank you!
2:52 PM EST: Error message, switching radio stations with different bit rates…
2:55 PM EST: Error message, switching Qobuz tracks with different bit rates.
2:58 PM EST: Error message, switching library tracks with different bit rates within library.