Error message about another server logged in when trying to log into Roon (ref#GCCHHC)

What’s happening?

· I'm having trouble logging in

Where are you having trouble logging in?

· I can't log into the Roon app

Describe the issue

When I try to log in to Roon on my computer which acts as my Roon core, I get an error message saying there is another core already logged in, (which I haven't done.)

Describe your network setup

I am using a Mac mini as my Roon core. The Mac is hard wired to my home network through a TP Link Mesh router.

Click below to unauthorize the “phantom” server.

Hi @Paul_Hopkins,

Thank you for your post. Diagnostics indicate that there were recurring failures related to MacOS permissions that have since been resolved.

We see a currently active RoonServer database, and diagnostic logging from that database does not show the same cryptographic errors mentioned above.

Am I correct in assuming that this issue was resolved by de-authorizing a previous RoonServer?

If you have a reliable Backup of your Roon database, I suggest deeply refreshing the database by taking the following steps:

  • Make or confirm you have a Backup of your current RoonServer Database
  • Exit out of RoonServer
  • Navigate to your RoonServer’s Database Location
  • Find the folder that says “RoonServer”
  • Rename the “RoonServer” folder to “RoonServer_old”
  • Reinstall the RoonServer App from our Downloads Page to generate a new RoonServer folder
  • On the Roon Remotes, press “Use another Roon Server” and connect to the new database

The only option to deauthorize is the MacMini that I’m currently using. If I deauthorize it can I then reauthorize again?

Hey @Paul_Hopkins,

You certainly can!

Let us know if @connor’s steps above are helpful at all as well! :raised_hands:

Yes, the deauthorizing worked perfectly. Thank you all very much

I will try refreshing the database next. Thanks

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