Error when adding to the library

Roon Core Machine

Roon Core (i5/16/256) - LAN - H390 Hegel

Networking Gear & Setup Details

Connected Audio Devices

Number of Tracks in Library


Description of Issue

App Roon on M1 MacOS Ventura.
Just watch the screen

The video appears to show that the album has been added, even though there is apparently a delay in adding. The screens show you navigating always back to the album on Tidal, rather than to the copy than has now been added to your Library. If you go to the Home screen and look at the latest added albums, you should see the Library copy.

Yes, the album has been added. But I don’t see the controls in the player window inside the album. I can’t put :black_heart:

That’s because you are still viewing the Tidal version of the album. You need to switch to the Library version in order to :heart: the album or the tracks.

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