Ethernet connected Nucleus, latest update, and its directly connected backup drives no longer are found by my Windows 7Pro ethernet connected computer. I used to transfer music files from the computer to the Nucleus’ installed SSD but can no longer do that because of this issue. Have also tried using the Explorer++ app but no success.
Thanks Marian. I know Windows 7 no longer supports Roon, but it has allowed me to transfer music files from its SSD to the Nucleus SSD via Explorer, but no longer. My Windows 10 computers I use to navigate Roon are all wifi connected and also don’t find the Nucleus SSD.
@Bruce_Grunsten, is your Nucleus seen on your network, either within your router administration settings, from other Roon Remotes, or by typing its LAN IP address or http://nucleus/ or http://nucleus.local/ into a web browser?
Thanks Robert. The Nucleus shows up on the internet browser via both addresses you sent, also when I just enter its IP address, but the data, etc. files did not. I took a chance and rebooted the Nucleus and, wouldn’t you know, it all comes back up on the network search. Guess I should do the reboot every once in awhile, lesson learned. Thanks again.
A bit of a legacy machine, which won’t support Win 10, which I have on two laptops of more recent vintage, but I use them on wifi not ethernet. Might have to migrate to the laptops.