Ethernet connected Nucleus and its attached backup drives no longer show up on Windows 7Pro file explorer

Roon Core Machine

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Connected Audio Devices

Number of Tracks in Library

over 50,000

Description of Issue

Ethernet connected Nucleus, latest update, and its directly connected backup drives no longer are found by my Windows 7Pro ethernet connected computer. I used to transfer music files from the computer to the Nucleus’ installed SSD but can no longer do that because of this issue. Have also tried using the Explorer++ app but no success.

Windows 7 died almost 4 years ago. I don’t think anyone should expect any kind of support for it.

Thanks Marian. I know Windows 7 no longer supports Roon, but it has allowed me to transfer music files from its SSD to the Nucleus SSD via Explorer, but no longer. My Windows 10 computers I use to navigate Roon are all wifi connected and also don’t find the Nucleus SSD.

@Bruce_Grunsten, is your Nucleus seen on your network, either within your router administration settings, from other Roon Remotes, or by typing its LAN IP address or http://nucleus/ or http://nucleus.local/ into a web browser?

Thanks Robert. The Nucleus shows up on the internet browser via both addresses you sent, also when I just enter its IP address, but the data, etc. files did not. I took a chance and rebooted the Nucleus and, wouldn’t you know, it all comes back up on the network search. Guess I should do the reboot every once in awhile, lesson learned. Thanks again.

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Glad this is solved. Please do yourself a favor and ditch Win7, whatever you’re using it for.

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A bit of a legacy machine, which won’t support Win 10, which I have on two laptops of more recent vintage, but I use them on wifi not ethernet. Might have to migrate to the laptops.

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