Export to Discogs

Is there any way to export my Roon albums to my collection in Discogs?

Select albums, click “3 dots”, Export.

Not understood.

I don’t understand the original question. I mean would you like to list the records as something you own in discogs and not care about the pressing or format? Or something totally different?

But if it’s the first the I’d say no, it’s not possible nor would it useful for most people. If something else, then I guess the answer would still be no, but for a different reason.

My instructions were how to export albums out of Roon. I didn’t understand the “…to my collection in Discogs”.

I would love this option, then I don’t have to manually do it. Makes it easier for me to see what records and CD’s I already own when at the record store when Roon Arc is not available.

You can export Roon albums as a list to a csv file. Discogs can import a csv file. However, the Discogs import needs all the info that is relevant for Discogs, like release_id, and Roon knows nothing about this, so it’s not possible for Roon to export it.

I solved it by adding every album to my Discogs collection at the same time as I import it into Roon. It just takes a few seconds and it’s easy to pick the correct release.

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Why though? You want you digital albums in Roon to be listed in Discogs? It’s not difficult to achieve, just look up Roon export, and Discogs import. Follow as appropriate. But the reasons you want to do this are interesting, because someone here might have a better way for you to achieve whatever it is you want to achieve.

Personally, I added my CD and vinyl releases to Discogs. I have them tagged in Roon as CD or Vinyl as well. Like the OP, the idea was in part to have a reference in the record shop. Though this part has been made obsolete with ARC for me. Still nice to see the actual owned releases in Discogs (and how much money I blew on them as well as what I could sell for how much)

this is the way

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I don’t have any digital albums in my Roon, just albums I’ve ripped from Vinyl and CD’s. Everything else that I don’t have I use Tidal. It’s a great resource to have Discogs as another use scenario would be my friends that want to buy me music for my bday or Christmas, they can just click on my Discogs link and see what I already own. :wink: