Exporting Library Files from ROCK crashes Roon server and wont export [Ticket In]

Roon Server Machine

ROCK 7i7

Networking Gear & Setup Details

Connected Audio Devices

MacOS latest Sonoma to local HDD

Number of Tracks in Library


Description of Issue

Attempting to export out my library to a HDD attached to my remote mac. This gives a message no exports and appears crashes roon server immediately and nothing is exported. Excel and Soundiiz work fin

I see this in logs which is new to me

System.InvalidOperationException: Seq number discontinuity when inserting into ringbuffer 308103 => 308251

This also happens on Windows so not just the mac.

Not sure if this is of any relevance from the logs

12/17 17:15:57 Warn: [remoting/brokerserver] [initconn>] failed: System.InvalidOperationException: Seq number discontinuity when inserting into ringbuffer 309658 => 309837
at Sooloos.Broker.Remoting.EfficientHistoryBuffer.Write(Int64 seq, Byte data, Int32 len)
at Sooloos.Broker.Remoting.RemotingBaseProtocolV2.Write(Byte buf, Int32 len)
at Sooloos.Broker.Remoting.RemotingBaseProtocolV2.SendRequest(Int32 cmd, Byte body, ResponseCallback callback)
at Sooloos.Broker.Remoting.RemotingBaseProtocolV2.SetSocket(Socket socket, Nullable`1 resume_from)
at Sooloos.Broker.Distributed.Server.InitConnectionV2_ResumeConnection(InitConnectionV2 initconn, ServerConnectionV2 conn, Int64 server_to_resume_from, Guid clientuniqueid)
at Sooloos.Broker.Distributed.InitConnectionV2.Go()

@support. Some support with this issue after 23days would be appreciated thank you.


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Hi @Simon_Arnold3,

Thank you for the report. Can you clarify if the Mac Remote (Roon client) is crashing, or whether the client remains open and fails to connect to RoonServer (ie ROCK crashed)?

Do you have an approximate timestamp for when you last encountered this crash? We’ve attempted a diagnostic pull from the affected Remote, but the machine is offline. Please reproduce at your convenience and we’ll follow up once we’ve investigated further.

What happens if you disable local storage temporarily and then reattach?

Hi Connor, it happens on windows as well. It basically takes out the server for a while then it seems to recover. Get same error on either and it happens to local disc or an attached disc.

If I select a few files I can get it to export but selecting a large amount it hangs. I feel there is a file/s it’s not liking but exports CSV no issues. I have no errors in importing so odd. Will try it again when I am home shortly to give you a timestamp. The remote is not used all the time.

Okay 19.58 gmt exported library it fails.

Disabled then re-enabled storage same issue.

If I select one of my watched folders which has the smallest amount of files it’s working this one’s lossy. I If I do my flac watched folder it fails.

Just split my exports form my flac watch folder into two parts and it works so there is some file or album limitation at play here I feel.

@connor did you get the log? Be good to find out why Roon can’t handle exporting all my library in one go but is fine if I break it up into two seems their is a limit as it would bail out up to about 1300 albums I think.

@connor some more feedback here would be good. By nice to know if the issue is a limitation of a bug.

Hi @Simon_Arnold3,

Sorry for the delay here. The current status, unfortunately, is that it’s still not something we’ve reproduced consistently internally. It’s not normal behavior. I’ll escalate an investigation ticket to look more deeply. We have logs, but if you have a more recent reproduction of the newer builds, please pass along a timestamp at your convenience.

Thank you again for your diligent reporting and pursuit here.

Full form submission

What’s happening?

Something else

How can we help?

I am experiencing freezes or crashes

Exporting about 377 tagged albums to local files ystem

Please give some details about your Roon setup, and say a little more about the “freezes and crashes” you are experiencing. Thank you.

Was expecting the new support form to drive more detail…

IBM Intel i3 home server (TS140, SSD, 20GB RAM)
Ubuntu server 22.04.4 LTS (5.15.0-97-generic x86_64)
All files on local (spinning) disk.
Wired network
Roon Server v2.0 (Build 1368) production

M1 Mac, 16GB Sonoma 14.3.1
Wired Network
Roon MacOS v2.0 (Build 1368) production

I am attempting to export 373 albums (4857 tracks stored on server, tagged and selected) to a local disk on the M1 Desktop. The export begins, however the Roon client crashes (just disappears ) after exporting for what appears to be a random number of albums or elapsed time (I tried a few times).

Ah - this is on a Mac. This is a known issue, so I’ve moved your post into the existing thread.

Please provide a timestamp of approximately when a crash occurred.

@connor - can you please pull logs and add these to your investigation? Thanks.


Thanks for reply, timing: around 10:45am (Chicago/USA).

I kicked off another try at 12:46:17, 27 Feb 2024 (Chicago/USA), it failed at 13:09:07 (Chicago/USA) and threw an MacOS 'Roon Quit Unexpectedly" error.

I have the entire MacOS error report, it was too big to paste here, but can provide it if helpful.

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Hi, just checking if you need additional logs from roon client.

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Hi @stubaggs,

Thank you, we’ve been able to activate diagnostic mode for your account and request a log set successfully. We’re investigating this internally and will provide a more detailed response as soon as possible.

Hi everyone,

We have a ticket in to address this behavior. It’s reproducible when exporting a local library above a certain object count from a RoonOS RoonServer to a Remote-mounted USB location. The Remote and RoonServer encounter a sequence discontinuity.

We’ll post here as we make progress. Thanks!