Expose Producers and Record Labels without having to Focus

How about making the main menu customizable insofar as being able to pick from a list of elements that could be accessed in the menu?

Producers and Record Labels are examples of data points that would be useful to be able to access directly without having to access Focus first.


Agreed. Being able to click on active links is the best way to browse the library. It would be great to see better metadata and active links for sidemen and band members too. This can be lacking (my collection has a fair bit of unidentified Australian music).

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I agree. Whilst nothing out there even remotely approximates Roon and it has been a great boon to my listening experience I feel like there’s more that can be done to enrich the user experience. It’s ticked all the boxes iro artists, albums, etc. but it needs work to truly leverage metadata to enhance the user experience.

Some examples where I feel Roon can do better:

  • Expose Labels and Producers as entities in their own right
  • When browsing Producers and Labels make sort options available - artist, album, year etc.
  • Link all performances of a work / song in your collection so it’s easy to find them all from any instance
  • when browsing an artist that is credited on an album where they’re not the main performer highlight the applicable tracks they appear on. Especially necessary for compilations and multi-disc sets
  • accommodate viewing PDF or graphics images in album folders. Create some naming standard by which users can name these files to have Roon automagically integrate them into the user experience