Failed playback

Core Machine (Operating system/System info/Roon build number)
Rockna Wavedream Net

Network Details (Including networking gear model/manufacturer and if on WiFi/Ethernet)
Mikrotik ccr1036 router

Audio Devices (Specify what device you’re using and its connection type - USB/HDMI/etc.)
Rockna Wavedream DAC

Description Of Issue
When trying to play any file, “too many failures, Stopping Playback” message is received.

You mean local files, or Tidal/Qobuz, or both?

Connected via WiFi or Ethernet?

Is this a recent problem on a prior Roon install or a new Roon install that has yet to work?

connected Via Ethernet, local files no sound but t it appears as if it is playing.
Qobuz gives the error message as stated.
Roon was installed at the manufacturer.
Not a subscriber to Tidal.

I’m not Roon support. I asked some prelim question that support would probably want to know.

In any event, tagging @support for you.

Thank you!
I’.m new to roon, and can not figure out this problem.

Hi @Mac_Mashod,

Welcome to the forum! Can you please share a screenshot of your Roon Settings -> About tab?

Is there any change in behavior if you try to reboot your Server + Networking Gear + Audio Devices?
Are you able to output to any other of your audio zones?

You can try to output to your Roon controller’s speakers by enabling them under Roon Settings -> Audio on the controller itself.

No change in behavior by turning on and off, tried changing the controller speaker nothing changed in behavior…

Restarted the whole network and every equipment attached here is a new screen shot;

The problem still remains despite all my attempts to resolve it.

Maybe a setting in your Rockna?

Those aren’t cheap devices. The dealer where you bought it should be willing to help.

They attempted, but no luck.

Did it work at the dealers? No, then you have a defective device.

Threaten to return the devices and see how fast they fix it.

Maybe you could post a screen shot of ‘Device Setup’ and any DSP.

E.g. -

What does Settings==>Audio look like?

Dunno what else to do.

You are absolutely correct, after having every setting compared to your screen shots and not seeing any errors, and the fact that the unit did not not work from the start, I have asked the dealer for an exchange or a refund.
Thank you for your time and guidance.

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