Failed to connect to Qobuz with network error during login (ref#BU2I50)

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Describe the issue

please help with any ideas. worked until a day or two ago.

"Network error: Please check your connection" occurs when login to Qobuz.

I have verified my Qobuz credentials and have streamed Qobuz successfully on another device.

Currently, successfully logged in and connected to TIDAL. TIDAL streams as expected.

roon version: build 1.8 (build 1151) 64bit

Describe your network setup

hardwired to comcast modem

[Moderator Edit: Image removed as it detailed user’s email address.]

Hi @searcher257,

Have you tried changing the DNS server assigned in the router settings? If your network is relying on the default or ISP-provided DNS server, try using Cloudlfare ( instead.

Double-check that Roon’s processes are safelisted in the Windows Defender firewall. Clear the cookies in the default browser.

Then, logout of Qobuz using their account webpage. Restart RoonServer and try again.

Thanks for the suggestion to change the DNS ser ver to cloudfare.
Not sure why but it fixed the problem!!!


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