Fancy, confusing artist

Okay, this is a bit embarrasing, but one of my beloved -80’s artists, Fancy was displayed on my Discover page this afternoon.
Why not, long time, no play… So i played the Artist so to speak, but when reading up on the bio i realized that something was out of tune…

Firstly, i think the bio has got nothing to do with the Fancy i am liking? I’d like to think Fancy was an Italo-disco outfit from the 80’s. And the bio is discussing something rather different from the formed/disbanded info below?

Try Fancy - Bolero or Lady Of Ice or something for a taste of the 80’s disco! :wink:

PS, the guy in the picture is German, and actually is the guy associated with the name in this regard.
There were also an english band called Fancy which may be the one the bio refers to, with some confusing/erroneous parts? The credits below the picture have got their names right anyway.

Thanks for the report Mikael. Edit made. Should be in your library within a week.

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