Faster Roon with ROCK?


I have a NUC with Windows and Roon installed. It’s the core of my “Roon system”. It’s also a player so it’s connected to my hifi.

I control it with Roon remote on my Android phone.

Sometimes even if the NUC is always on, no sleep and I never close Roon app when I open Roon remote on my Android it say CONNECTION LOST for 10 seconds and then it finds the core.

If I install rock on the nuc My remote will connect immediately?

No big problem to wait 10 seconds but I’d like to know if I’ll have better performance transforming my NUC with ROCK.

Thank you!

No, it won’t.

So it is normal that my roon remote took 5 to 10 secondo to “find” the core?
is there a way to make it faster?

Try to enable background data transfer and unrestricted data usage. It may help…

Yes, this is normal. Well, at least that’s how it has always worked. Not sure we should call that “normal,” but there you go.

P.S. the 1.7 version seemed to speed up the process a little, so there’s that.

hrm, my Pixel 4 XL takes about 2.5 seconds to get to an album details screen on a core running ROCK on NUC7i3. Phone is on WiFi (AP is in same room), and the ROCK is on ethernet.

where is your slowness? is it on the black screen with the roon logo or after that? what phone do you have?

@danny: You are testing a different scenario than the one reported by Antonio_Rasi_Caldogn. His scenarion is about resuming Roon Remote app on Android:

  • Start Roon Remote app on Android.
  • [optional] Start other apps on Android.
  • Wait for Android to turn off the screen.
  • Open Roon Remote app on Android. -----> There will be a big delay and the CONNECTION LOST message.