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Favorite Icon is invisible on queue list (but still there and clickable)
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Trendnet 2.5 GB ethernet.
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Favorite Icon is invisible on queue list (but still there and clickable)
Trendnet 2.5 GB ethernet.
Hi @Jay_Tee,
The team can reproduce this internally, ticketing for development. Thank you for the report.
Same problem here.
Encountered the same issue. I think it happened after upgrading to the latest 1455 build.
Yes, it did.
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The "Like" heart has disappeared from the Queue screen.
Same issue with multiple servers and remotes.
Below is an example of the “Like” hearts that are missing. No, it’s not because the tracks aren’t in my library. They definitely are.
Hi @EvilGnome6,
The team has a fix for this issue pending release into Early Access. Thanks!
In addition, the dislike/skip option of the favorite icon (as still shown in the album view) by clicking twice is missing.
This was changed on purpose to facilitate the banning of albums/tracks/artists that are not in the Roon library:
Thank you! What I do not understand is why banning now always requires clicking on the three dots and then selecting it from the context menu instead of allowing for its selection by clicking the heart twice for songs that are in the library.
Because it is now possible to ban items that are NOT in the library. Favoriting, however, still remains only available to items that are in the library. So if the heart were still a three-state button with normal/favorite/ban, then the first state change from normal to favorite with one click on the heart would not work for non-library items. This would be quite non-obvious and inconsistent, I guess.
Thank you for the explanation!
I’m a little confused. Roon support says they have a fix pending for the Favorite Icon missing from the Queue but you’re saying it was changed on purpose? Or was that a response to a different issue Proximal was describing?
The favorite heart on the queue is missing and will be fixed.
Moving the ban option from being the 3rd state of the favorite heart (normal > favorite > ban) into the three-dot menu was done on purpose.
I’ve just spotted this too.
Hi everyone,
This is fixed in today’s Early Access update - the fix will be released with the next public build.
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