Favorited tracks unavailable in Roon Arc

Roon Core Machine

Intel NUC11TNHi5
8gb RAM
250gb SSD

Networking Gear & Setup Details

Connected via ethernet to home verizon fios home network, verizon fios router

Connected Audio Devices

Schiit Bifrost connected via USB

Number of Tracks in Library

134,000 tracks

Description of Issue

I just set up a new Roon ROCK, using the NUC described above. I restored from a backup, added the storage locations, and everything works perfectly now using Roon Remote, either on a Mac or on iOS. However, on Roon Arc, a large number of tracks are now showing as “unavailable.”

I’m not 100% certain of this, but the common thread between them seems to be that they’re all tracks I’ve “favorited” in the past. That said, it’s affecting some, not all, of my favorited tracks.

The tracks are available everywhere but Roon Arc.

All tracks are local files.

Here’s a screenshot from Arc, where you can see the unavailable files:

And here’s a screenshot from Roon Remote, in which you can see the same files are available there:

Any idea what’s going on? Thank you.

If you have changed core, you’ll need to reset ARC. This will cause ARC to resync.

Hi @Brock_Bair,

As @Martin_Webster noted above, a Core migration will also require an ARC resync. If you’re still experiencing this, try resetting Roon ARC from Settings while on the same WiFi network as the new Core and resyncing. You should only have to perform this resync once on the new Core.

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