Feature requests related to ARC

So I’m not sure if any of these are covered but thought I’d post this. Feel free to do with them as you want :wink:

  1. Roon desktop app should have support for ARC protocol. When I’m in the office for work I’d like to still have access to my roon library on my laptop instead of having to switch to my phone
  2. Handoff between ARC and regular. When I drive home I pick something to listen to. Having the ability to switch to the hifi when I get home would be great. Ditto in reverse - transfer from hifi to the ARC app would be nice
  3. Why do we need separate app for roon and ARC? Can you just merge the functionality into a common app please? ( this would likely address both of my previous points ) Simply have the roon server enable ARC support and have function to provide the ip address to roon central like it does now - then the app on registration figures out the private and public address and simply fall back to public if private is unavailable.

Having put the above into words I will say that over-all I do appreciate and like the setup. I just don’t like how fractured the roon and arc experience is. They feel like separate products and they don’t play well together either.

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#1 and #3: See …

#2 Has also been discussed but struggling to find it.

#2 is this, I think:

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