Feature suggestion : NTP config


Not a big deal, but may be not a big deal also to implement ?

My Ropieee is on a subnetwork of my internet box network. So, the initial NTP synchronisation fails, and fall back to HTTP NTP with a timeout of nearly 15sec (which succeeds instantly). So each time I boot my Ropieee, I loose 15sec.

Is it possible to have a “Prefer HTTP NTP” tick box on Ropieee configuration page to speed up boot ?


I do see the problem, but I’m reluctant with adding additional (advanced) settings…

How about doing this automagically? RoPieee counts the number of NTP sync failures upon boot, and when reaching a certain level (3 or something like that), it assumes that NTP sync is a problem in general and starts the next time with syncing over HTTP.

This would mean that for those users (like yourself) who are facing this scenario the problem disappears by itself after 3 start ups.

What do you think?

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Very well ! I thought about this kind of solution, but less trivial to develop perhaps, and small problems should correspond to small solutions. And maybe one may want to turn back to UDP if it changes the network config. But it can flash a new SD card also…
This is an (small) issue when people like me turn off/on ropieee at each listening session. I listen once or two times a week and dont want to let it, with a screen, on all the time.