Running ROCK. Copied ffmpeg into the right directory. Roon Web UI is still showing the ffmpeg is missing.
Grep of server logs:
neil@Neils-MBP Logs % grep ffmpeg *
RoonServer_log.01.txt:09/07 07:53:33 Info: [media] resolved oop decoder to /roon/data/Codecs/ffmpeg
RoonServer_log.txt:09/07 10:17:23 Info: [media] resolved oop decoder to /roon/data/Codecs/ffmpeg
neil@Neils-MBP Codecs % pwd
neil@Neils-MBP Codecs % ls -alrt
total 157760
-rwxrwxrwx 1 neil staff 79928672 29 Jun 21:38 ffmpeg
drwxrwxrwx 1 neil staff 16384 7 Sep 08:45 .
drwxrwxrwx 1 neil staff 16384 7 Sep 11:19 ..
neil@Neils-MBP Codecs %
On the server permissions are 777 and owner root. From ubuntu box i have ./ffmpeg shows no linkage etc errors.
I can’t play any radio I guess because ffmpeg ‘missing’.
I am a bit stuck!
I restarted the server.