FFmpeg version reverts to system default (ref#A8PR9H)

What’s happening?

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ffmpeg version reverts to system default

Describe your network setup

Roon server is running on QNAP TS-451+ NAS

As suggested by John, I added the custom ffmpeg to the \bin directory in my Roon database folder.

I applied the version from John Van Sickle so that we could listen to BBC streams.
It recognises that version at first, and marks it as “User Supplied Version” and the BBC streams work. But, as some point after that, some unknown process seems to revert it to “System Default”. Does anyone know why this might be happening?

Hi @Leigh_Suse_Faulkner,

Thank you for your post.

In previous cases, third-party software has been responsible for changing the file attributes back to system default:

First, use FileStation to access the file permissions . Make sure that the Execute permissions are still enabled.

What other computers are connecting to this NAS? Do you have any anti-virus or network security software installed?