Filter Magazine and Urban Outfitters Red Cross Various Artists CD no Roon info

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Local Files

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I don’t know what you mean

Description of the issue

2 CD set here is the link to Discogs. Roon does not have any info on it. Thanks!

Hello @RPlace,

Thank you for reaching on to us about this. I’m not surprised that you’d have a few titles in your collection that would be off the common grid gauging from your wide listening taste in the Now Playing threads.

Unfortunately, free magazine compilations tend to be absent in most metadata providers’ databases. They’re likely to show up on Discogs because there’s trade in these compilations.

This is definitely one that I’d prefer File tags on for the time being.

I’m not quite sure what you mean by that? Thanks for responding, I appreciate that.

Sorry about that, @RPlace - I should probably have been more clear with my explanation.

You can edit this album in your Roon library to prefer your file tags rather than Roon’s metadata.

On the album page select the ellipsis just to the right of the Now playing button and click Edit. From there you can select which attributes you prefer for the content, Roon’s or the tags you have embedded in the file.

For instance, if the album art isn’t in Roon but it’s embedded in your files you can choose to have Roon default to the embedded artwork by following the path described above, then Edit Album, scroll down to ALBUM ARTWORK and select Prefer file and then click Save.

This isn’t as seamless as having our database identify your album but it will get you close. I hope this helps!

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