Find Songs in Roon That Are Currently on My Phone

I have an iPhone with 1500 songs on it. They were once in a Roon playlist of selects, but the Roon library got corrupted, and I lost all my playlists.

My Roon source folders are on 3 separate drives.

I have copied the files back onto my Mac and have pointed Apple Music at them, so I can generate a playlist file from there.

I want to get Roon to read a playlist file, and find the files in the regular library, not in this big pile of duplicates from my phone.

I have a Soundiiz account.

Any smart folks have an idea how to do this, other than completely manually by searching in the Tracks view?

(I did try exporting a playlist from Apple Music and converting through Soundiiz to Qobuz, but about half the tracks aren’t on that service.)