FIR Filters and Roon DSP

I have some FIR filter files generated by Coneq software, which is room correction software for studio monitors. I see Roon has DSP import of Impulse Filters…but only in WAV or AIF format. I’ve looked around on how (or if it’s possible) to convert FIR to WAV or if I can import FIR to Roon, but no joy. Any ideas?

FIR is a digital filter topology – finite impulse response – not a file type, per se. Might your FIR filters already be in a compatible PCM file format, maybe just with a non standard file extension?


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Ah I see, I did not know that. I shall investigate and report back…thanks
I have tried importing them in .zip already but I shall try changing the extension .fir to wav this time. Worth a shot!

Well you were absolutely correct. Nice one.

Unfortunately there is clearly incompatibility. The sound is phasey and distorted. These files were made for their proprietary software so it doesn’t surprise me.

Does the Coneq software have an export capability ? You might be able to save them as a wav file.

Sadly not.

It does have a csv export. If you can edit that into an REW compatible format, then you could save to wav from REW (Room EQ Wizard, freeware).

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Wow you are the only other person I know of (apart from one) who knows Coneq software!
I shall try it then, though I have a feeling I have to do that as the filter is being generated as opposed to after the fact.

I just make it up as I go along :yum:

There’s a Python script on Github that people say works.

To use with Windows you need to install Python for Windows first. If the installer asks you about configuring it to run Python scripts from the command line, say yes. Save the contents of that github file to (say) . Then you would put the CSV data in (say) coneq.csv in the same directory. Then, in a cmd.exe window, navigate to that directory, and do

python coneq.csv

and after a bit, a new file named coneq.wav should appear in the same directory

Edit: For some reason Discourse is making a py suffix an active link above. Just ignore, it’s not meant to go anywhere…

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