FLAC and ALAC tags don't match

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Description of the issue

I have an album that I’ve imported in both FLAC and ALAC.

When I pull up a track and look at view File Info->File Tags, the FLAC version of the file shows “track” and “TRACKNUMBER” both as 1. When I look at the ALAC file, I see “track” = 1 and another “track” = 1/0.

This information doesn’t match the file tags as both the FLAC file and the ALAC file have one track tag visible in multiple tagging apps (i.e., PerfectTunes, Yate, Meta).

While this isn’t impacting the way the tracks are displayed in Roon, I don’t understand what is happening with the tags themselves since I thought Roon isn’t adding any information.

Any idea what is going on would be helpful because when I look at the tags, there is only one track tag per file, not two.

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