Folder Browsing [Folder Browsing included in Build 1401]

You got that right! Thank goodness for music and pizza delivery.

Roon’s position is definitely clear. I was reacting to “chase.” I want to be clear that I, and I’m sure the entire Roon forum does as well, appreciate your and other Roon team members participation in the forum. Not only does that make it a better source of information, I think it is part of the mystique or spirit of Roon that it has a personality through its team as much as its product.

Then let’s take it as a challenge: while some requests for folder browsing may be based solely on new users not yet understanding the organizational and navigational potential of Roon, I think it’s clear there is a need that isn’t entirely met by current Roon for some users, and it arises out of various related needs where going directly to the OS is just a shortcut.

If Roon doesn’t want to implement folder browsing, what will Roon do to meet this need?

Maybe instead of asking for folders, we could compile the challenges that folder browsing might have helped resolve, but could be resolved another way. To my recollection:

—List view for quick scanning and scrolling
—Box set handling
—To navigate a user defined organizational structure
—To be able to play files not within the library
—Trouble shooting “why isn’t this album showing up in Roon?”
—Challenges handling classical
—DJ playlists / electronic dance
—New user transitions into Roon