That is a fantastic photo, forwarding it to my kids.
The face of the kitty
A friend of mine has a pair of Siamese. He now anchors his Christmas tree to the ceiling.
I only wanted that little fairy on top
Here’s a link to a comic strip that appears in our local paper. As someone who use to work at an animal shelter, this really hit me hard.
There’s a series of strips featuring this character (Guard Dog) that brings attention to the problem of dogs being chained up.
I was out and about yesterday with one of the ladies from our pollution and regulatory reporting team. On the journey between sites we were halted by a car in front of us. The reason for the halt was two very young, seemingly abandoned pups. No collars, no ID.
This one was particularly wary:
I managed to grab her sister, though it cost me a bite to my left index finger.
Eventually, we managed to capture her as well and both were taken by a very kind-hearted lady to a local veterinary surgery for health assessment and scanning for microchips. I really struggle to process how someone can abandon a pet and expect it to fend for itself.
Our small dog is blind now. He likes to park himself on the quilt my wife is in the middle of making.
Snoozy Jazz the latest music style coming to a couch near you
…and to you
Someone doesn’t like dogs.
4 posts were split to a new topic: Four-legged acoustical treatments (post your critters!) [2024]
@AceRimmer do we per chance need a 2024 thread?