Hi @Chester_Rieman,
Thank you for your patience while we worked through the queue. Does this happen with ARC or when using your phone as a remote? If you can tell me the date, local time, and track playing when this occurred I will activate diagnostics on your account to investigate further.
Hi Daniel, the app seems to completely freeze, can’t adjust volume, change songs, etc, I need to reboot my phone to recover, I’m not certain but it may be happening when I start using my phone after controlling roon from another device. This is all local, with the roon app, not ARC. Getting a bit annoying so I stopped using my phone to control roon recently. It just happened 10:06 ET my phone is frozen at Hornsby on the western skyline while the way it is is playing I need to reboot it to recover. while the phone is frozen, i accessed roon from my mac and was able to play dylan “You aint going nowhere” the current selection is not shown in my iphone app or am I able to change it from there. Hope this helps and I win a year of Free roon
20 min later my phone is still stuck showing that roon is playing “on the Western Skyline” -hornsby yet what is actually playing (several songs later) is “A Hard Rain’s a Gonna Fall” which was controlled and reflected correctly on my mac yet the phone still shows its playing “on the Western Skyline” it will stay like this i.e I don’t get control back until i reboot my phone - if you want screenshots and timestamps, I have them or can recreate (again) I’m going to leave my phone like it is, stuck showing that roon is playing “on the Western Skyline” and not reboot it in hopes it will help with your troubleshooting and I get a free year of roon;). It seems to be a problem purely with the iphone app -all else works fine.