Further Invalid ReCaptcha-errors

I am using my iPad Pro most of the time, on the latest iPad OS.
I recently added a vinyl rip of an old Swedish band from the 80’s, “Sound Of Music”.
These guys/gals didn’t have a photo associated in Valence, so i clicked the “improve”-link.
However, i couldn’t authorize through the redirects at account.roon.app…
Invalid ReCaptcha is the message, but it seems to me theres a time out involved also, as it take a short while.

I have had this issue before, when accessing ARC which had lost it’s authorization. But it disappeared after a few days, and an error report.

Today i decided to create another error report, so i went to the community and selected the Support forum. I clicked Get Help, but this fails as the Invalid ReCaptcha pops even here?

However, if i go straight to my account through https://account.roon.app i have already been awarded a functional ticket/cookie as i am already logged in.
I am also already logged in to the community, obviously as i can post this… But i’ll have to move this to the Support section after posting.

I am using multifactor auth to secure my account, is this related?

This is annoying…

Hi @Mikael_Ollars,

It sounds like something is selectively interfering with cookie retention in the browser on this iPad, and OAuth receives something stale.

Do you have Block All Cookies toggled on in Safari settings on this iPad?

What about Prevent Cross-Site Tracking - is that toggled on or off?

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I have no idea, all default.
And, more importantly, it works again, and also on my other iPad (Air M1)…
Seriously strange…

Block all cookies - Off
Prevent Pop Ups - On
Prevent Cross Site tracking - On

(I haven’t changed any of these as far as i am aware)

Okay if everything is working again we can mark this as solved. If this issue comes back please let us know.

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