Gapless (not working on streaming services)

Roon Core Machine

ROCK on NUC. Wired.

Description of Issue

Gapless not working on streaming services. Fine on locally stored music. For example La Traviata conducted by Kleiber - not gapless on either Tidal or Qobuz, Fine on local copy or when streaming direct, ie not via Roon.

Is this the album?

It plays gapless streaming from Qobuz in Roon for me. Also a ROCK/NUC Core

What is the Endpoint (Zone) you are using in your setup?

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Hi Geoff.
Thank you for looking into this. Various endpoints. Naim NDS (via RooUPnP), iMac, iPhone.
That is the version I’m listening too. Another with the same problem is Tate conducting Hansel and Gretel.
Best wishes,

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Hmm - sorry, but that album also plays gapless (Qobuz → Roon) here.

I think you’re going to have to wait until your support request reaches the front of the support queue and the Support team can pull logs from your system to investigate further… Sorry.

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You’re using a community extension to an Unsupported endpoint don’t expect support to help here as this is likely the UPnP part of the plugin to your renderer. You will need to take this up with the developer @DrCWO. Roon plays fine gapless to supported endpoints.

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Play to a single official endpoint, either iMac or iPhone. If gapless works, you know where the problem is.

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Does it play gapless to the iphone?

Thank you both. I’ll try and let you know

Interestingly, they are all working tonight. I have no idea what the glitch was.

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