Gleb Kolyadin - 2 different records, same name

Gleb Kolyadin is a member of Iamthemorning. He’s just released a self-titled debut album, which Roon correctly identified. The individual artist record for Gleb though does not appear to associate him with Iamthemorning.

However, when you click on the text-link for Gleb Kolyadin under the Iamthemorning artist summary text - it takes you to a different record for Gleb Kolyadin, which is then associated with the listed Iamthemorning albums (well, 2 of 3 anyway!)

I’ve tried to find a way to link / merge them (editing artist data for both so it’s identical) without success (I suspect that’s not something that I can do as an end-user anyway).

Apologies if I should have posted this as a reply to the ‘artist equivalence issues’ topic (just read that)

Best regards - Damian

Hi, @Damian_Boys, thanks for the report, the thing here is that from Roon’s perspective those are two different artist, because the are from two different metadata source (Rovi and MBz), we are aware of several examples of such behavior and are working on a fix, which will hopefully resolve the situation in the future.



Thanks Ivan, sounds good :slight_smile: