Glitch in Roon Knowledge Base

I just had occasion to look at the instructions for adding libraries in the Roon Knowledge Base.

The document states the following:

These instructions don’t work, as is obvious from the instructions themselves. As instructed, the top level of the library is /Users/kev/Music, not /Users/kev/Music/My Music. Thus any other folders in /Users/kev/Music will also be imported, not what you may want. Indeed, the only way to get the My Music folder as the top level is to drill down a level and then follow the instructions or to manually type it in. And even more galling is the fact that if there were actually a “Browse…” button as is also shown in the KB, none of this tedious cut/paste would be necessary.

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No offense, but it appears that you are assuming that MyMusic is the only directory that people want to index. Definitely not true in my case. There are several other music directories of importance, and I suspect I’m not a rare case as Amazon and others create music directories in the Music directory.

Not at all. What I am assuming was that when Roon is giving you instructions on how to make “My Music” a library that they would give you instructions that did that instead of giving you instructions on how to add the directory one level up from that.

Fair enough!

Adding a Browse button would certainly make things easier, but this isn’t an oversight. There’s a lot of complexity here, Robert – let me give you an example:

Imagine I have a Mac Book with access to the NAS where my music is stored – if I’m setting up Roon on this system and hit browse, Roon opens Finder, Finder has access to the NAS, I select the right folder, and I’m done. Very straight forward.

Now, imagine instead that I have a Mac Mini in my home that again has access to the NAS where all my music is stored. Say I install Roon Server and then grab my Surface Pro or iPad to set up Roon. What is the browse button going to do?

It can’t open Windows Explorer on the Surface, because that would browse the Surface’s local storage, and the Surface may or may not have access to the NAS. Even if it does have access to the NAS, there’s no reason to assume it’s mounted the same way on the Mac Mini and Surface – the paths might be totally different. Same issue on the iPad, but in that case the operating system has even less built in file browsing capabilities.

The point is, there’s no way for Roon to be sure Remotes have access to the same file paths that the Core does. The only way to avoid having to cut and paste the path is for Roon’s UI to have a built-in file browser that can show up on the Surface and the iPad, and browse all the storage platforms we support. This is a big chunk of work that we intend to do in the future to make initial setup easier, but it’s a lot more complex than just adding a Browse button. It’s more like building Finder :slight_smile:

This documentation was written to make this process easier, and while it doesn’t specifically say anything about My Music, I see your point about how this could be more clear. We’ll get the screenshots updated. Thanks for letting us know.

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