Going to try setting Roon back up

As the title says. Short term I have to use wifi. Side note when did Roon get so hard over on wired connections? Used to be more of a suggestion.
Anyway, I’ve just been using tidal for awhile now but I’m restarting my two channel only good system downstairs and really want access to my own files.
Currently will use Mac Mini late 2012 2.5 GHz intel core i5 running OSX El Capitan 10.11.1.
I’m assuming my best bet will be to update the os as best I can and then delete all old Roon files and reload everything.
If I’m satisfied with that I might just stay there or long term I like the idea of a nuc running ROCK and using the mini as one of several endpoints.
I’d probably still try running the endpoints over wifi but I could stick the nuc in the garage and connect it with Ethernet.
Mostly looking for thoughts right now and I’ll keep this thread updated as I move forward.

Already hit snag one, needed to update past El Capitan. I’m trying now, google says my mini should take osx 10.15. Fingers crossed.

Snag 2 won’t log in to tidal. I am wondering if I really deleted everything I should have. Database seemed to come back really quickly.

It’s not a hard and fast rule but follow this forum and you will see many of the so called issues stem from poor network connectivity , read Wi Fi.

Some users get WiFi to work fine but if you hear stuttering and get slow loading errors , it’s likely the problem. Wire it and save yourself grief :smiling_imp: