Content you’re reporting an issue with
Have you made any edits to this content in Roon?
Yes. 11 albums are affected. The source metadata is of very variable quality for such a famous work. But it makes no difference whether I make edits or not. I have tried both edited and unedited files.
Is the album identified in Roon?
There are 4 albums grouped under the Naxos 1954 Talich. One of them is unidentified:
I have tried deleting this file from my library. It makes no difference. I can still reproduce the problem.
All other albums are identified.
Is this content from local files, TIDAL, or Qobuz?
It is a combination of Qobuz and Local. I can reproduce the problem just with Qobuz files and no local.
Screenshot of import settings
Description of the issue
I am trying to group 11 versions of Smetana’s Má vlast. It doesn’t matter what I do. They will not group. I have tried deleting them all and adding them back one by one which has often worked with other compositions in the past. It doesn’t matter. At the moment only 3 are grouped so I have resorted to a tag to group them as a temporary work around. This is less than ideal as the tag is at an album rather than composition level.
If I go to the composition editor then there are two duplicate Má vlast groups that cannot be merged:
Any ideas? This seems to be specific to Má vlast. I have numerous other compositions where grouping is not a problem. I have encountered similar problems over the years with other compositions, but deleting and reuploading normally solves the problem. Not in this case. I don’t recall having an issue like this with equally well known works in the past.