Happy Thanksgiving all

I realize this is a highly international piece of software, so I hope that everyone on the forum understands that the spirit of my wish is not just American or any country’s but tied to music and what unites us as people.

Every year on Thanksgiving my family and each guest goes around the table and each person says something that they are thankful for. It can be big or small, personal or intentional. Little kids often say “my mom” or “big pants” or whatever while some adults spend a while getting something big off their chests.

In any case, this year I’m grateful for Roon. I’m sharing a wonderful set of music with my family and friends. Some of it I’ve known forever seemingly, and some of it I’ve never heard before tonight. I have my gripes, but it’s a bit like family - we’re stuck (I bought lifetime a while back). Really appreciate all that Roon brings me.

Enjoy the holiday American’s and team Roon! And I hope everyone out there has something to be thankful for. Good night!


Hello Johnny, I do not have so many eloquent words…….but I did bring pumpkin pie
Y’all enjoy your holiday’s


What are you doing here? I saw this post and got confused for a minute. Where am I? Have a happy Thanksgiving. Too much crazy bickering on Audirvana?


Hi Jim, I wondered when you would catch me! Been lurking and learning, I got myself a 1 year subscription over here. Hoping your family has a nice holiday and weekend. You over at your mum in law’s I might guess?


Yep. She’s 99 1/2 and had a little stroke a few months ago so, we’re spending a lot of time up here in NC.


Happy Thanksgiving to my fellow Roonies across the great pond of the North Atlantic Ocean.

I wish you and your families a very happy holiday.