Has anyone tried a „hifi“ fuse with a Lumin?

I have recently read about swapping fuses as a way of tuning.

Has anyone tried it and can report any findings? On the T2 the fuse seems to be easily accessible on the power plug of the device, so it is really easy to change.

If swapping fuses changes the sound of your system, I think you need a better power supply.


Let’s try not to enter the theoretical why or if

Looking for reports from users who have actually done so and if they perceived any change.

If this made a positive difference, why wouldn’t Lumin fit one as standard during production? It would give them a competitive advantage for minimal cost.

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This is a reply to another question, maybe you start a new thread for it?

Let’s see if anyone has tried it and can share any findings. You are certainly open minded and interested in any such reports.

Oh. OK. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if you could find such a report.

You’ll be surprised how much this things cost!

  • Changed the whole audio power circuit to a separate one (including separated outside ground circuit): audible (positive) results; It may be the first best thing to do in power terms.
  • Changed the audio power plug to something “audiophile”: no audible difference, but for sure better contacts and mechanical stability;
  • Changed the power cords: no audible difference, but even a better contact and mechanical stability;
  • Added a power conditioner: small audible (positive) difference (better with custom cables, so I’ve kept the cables and the conditioner);
  • Tried a power regenerator: palpable (and very positive) difference, not enough to justify the cost for me.
  • Tried a fuse for the amplifier (just for fun, and some other “audiophile” ■■■■ for that matter): no audible difference;

But, no one else hears with your ears, so the best way to figure out is to jump and try for yourself.


Don’t mess with fuses! They are there for safety and those chosen by the original equipment manuafacturer should be used since they are chosen for specific characteristics. In the UK, if they don’t carry the BSI Kitemark then avoid. Other countries will have there own scheme where safety is paramount.


Quick check on eBay and they are only £15 (or three for £40)…much cheaper in quantity at trade for a manufacturer like Lumin I expect. Hardly makes an impact on the retail for Lumin priced gear…
That is for a ‘Gold’ fuse of course. What exactly is the standard definition of an audiophile fuse? What specifications does it have to meet relative to a normal fuse? Which aspects of that specification make it ‘better’ than a standard fuse?

Hi Martin,
as you are no doubt aware, in the UK the fuse will be protecting a 30A rated ring main circuit. The fuse (audiophile or otherwise) protects your house wiring, not the equipment housing it.

As you can see this question opens a can of worms. Some feel that anything not installed by the OEM is snake oil. Others feel it makes a difference. I fall in the “it makes a difference” camp. I changed the fuses in my gear a little at a time. Yes, they are pricy. I heard a positive difference when I did it. My gear is not made by Lumin so I can’t answer your specific question about a performance improvement with audiophile fuses in a Lumin but I can tell you that every piece of gear I installed a new audiophile fuse into was improved by that installation. Buy one and try it. I bet you like it.

What specification should I be looking for? Wouldn’t want to try any old thing described as ‘audiophile fuse’. Who knows what I would be buying…

Would it not be more efficient to replace the 30A ring main circuit breaker with an audiophile version and improve the whole house hifi sound in one go? All my Pi endpoints and NUC core in one go; sounds more attractive and much cheaper.

I sent you a message in a private message as I don’t want to recommend a brand name in this forum lest someone say I am shilling for a particular brand.

Note …

… but fuses are used elsewhere in equipment design and the purpose of the is safety/ protection.

Fuses protect both appliances and wiring.

Hold on your horses! :slight_smile: I have no idea, no interest to find out and I sincerely don’t believe it makes any positive audible difference. And in order to have that believe, I had to try it for myself.

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Oh, yes. They make a huge difference.

Sooo good. Sooo much difference, you wouldn’t believe it.

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I recall there were a few Lumin users reporting a positive change before.

I don’t think this forum is the best forum for this kind of questions though. I’d respectfully suggest you look for reports elsewhere - try google “Lumin fuse forum”.


I’d still like to know if Lumin have tried it, and if it delivered any improvement, why you don’t fit them as standard to all your products?

No, we have not tried it. I was just saying some users have.

Apologies for asking this question on the Roon forum. I will search for a more suitable place as suggested.

Thx for the interesting replies. I sure knew such a question might open a can of worms. Yet, everyone behaved pretty well.