Having trouble changing music to a new drive

HI @support
I want to move my music to a new USB ssd I just got. Currently music is on a usb HDD attached to rock. I followed the KB on how to move music etc. But as soon as I add or change the path to the new drive its scanning all my files again and duplicating all my music in Roon and I can see the track count going up and all of them show up in overview. I am just restoring my back up to return it to itr previous state any pointers would be helpful.


Hi @simon_arould,

Have you followed our Preserve Edits Guide or have you followed another one?

I would try to:

  • Disable the old location
  • Then stop RoonServer from running in your ROCK WebUI
  • Physically remove your old storage location
  • Attach new storage
  • Start RoonServer from WebUI
  • Edit your old storage path

Please let me know if that helps.


Will try that. I just gave it another go before reading this and it did the same, but completely missed out all my flac files. Most odd.

Sorry Noris it just starts importing them all again following this and sees them as all new files , except it completely ignores my flac folder. 3 times now this is getting infuriating.

Hi @Simon_Arnold3,

Hmm, Roon shouldn’t see them as new files if you have followed the procedure from the KB doc.
Are the two hard drives formatted the same? Can you post a screenshot of your Settings -> Storage tab? Did you make sure to disable the old music location first?

– Noirs

Yep followed it to the letter. They are formatted the same both using exFat, the folder structure is the same too. Could permissions play apart? I back up all my music from ROCK each night to my NAS, so I copied from the back up on the NAS to the new drive. I am now copying directly from drive to drive to see if that helps. Other than that I am lost.
Restored back my database again so here are images from storage, drive is unplugged at moment whilst its backing up to the new one again.

Hello @Simon_Arnold3,

Any luck with the migration of the files?

– Noris

Nope it was late in the day so I gave up. Will try again tonight when I get home.

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Hey @Simon_Arnold3,

I brought your issue up with the team and I have this information to share with you:

  • Nothing has changed here in 1.6 that should affect the KB instructions

  • Before moving your files over, I would take a look at “Library Cleanup” to see if you have any missing files already

  • Can you send us a screenshot of the storage tab right before you are adding the new music? This screenshot should list the old location and say “XXXX imported”

  • Please outline the exact steps that you are using to perform the media location change.

  • If things are still not importing as expected, please provide some timestamps and we can take a look at diagnostics.


Ok was a bit hasty. It looks like it has actually remapped everything.it just added them all and then rejigged them about and removed them the recently added area, it did not do this yesterday so I guess having an exact copy of the drive has helped here. I dont remember it doing this way before though. But Library does now looks like it is as it was before. Except for a few that have been added back in I removed.

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Hi @Simon_Arnold3,

Glad to hear that the remapping worked! If you have any other issues or questions just let us know and we can take a look.


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