Heat Sink Question

Great news.


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Yep, very neat. I posted a few shots here:

As long as you stay below 70 degrees C you should be fine.

For the Pi 4 the general rule is that heat is not generated by the CPU (certainly not at what we’re throwing at it :wink: ) , but it’s the USB controller chip. That thing can get bloody hot. The good news is that it has it’s own update-able firmware, so that was quickly solved after the release.

But I remember me burning myself at my first Pi 4 :wink:

Thanks Harry. I ordered a couple of heat sinks to throw on there anyway. I am running about 53-54 degrees now. I’d like to see it come down a few degrees. The CPU sits under an Allo Boss DAC HAT so there is not a lot of circulation from above.

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30 degrees with that:


when I first glanced at the picture, I didn’t get the scale and thought of the rPi as a full size amplifier. And I was thinking, holy cow, that’s a gigantic heat sink! :wink:

Indeed, it is gigantic :grinning:
It’s from an old Bull server.
I like to keep my RPis under 40 degrees, so I have a couple of DIY heat skins like this one.
Also, I am using Argon One cases.

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