Help - I can't close the settings window in Roon

I’m new to Roon, I just started to have the software scan my library. I opened the settings window and there doesn’t seem to be a way to close it, please advise. Also I noticed that a second copy of Roon continually opens, even after force quitting this copy


To exit the settings screen, just press the ESC key or click/tap on screen outside of the setting window.

Are you aware of the Roon Knowledge Base it a great source of information for new and experienced users alike.

Not really sure what going on here, would need more specific details of your setup and process names etc.

hi Carl,

Thanks for your help, I was able to close the seconds screen after Roon imported my albums. re the second copy of Roon opening, I closed Roon restarted my computer opened Roon and another Roon icon started bouncing up and down appeared in my dock. I’m using the Mac version OSX 10.12.5. When I control click the second Roon icon I can see the dialog ‘Application not responding’. Is this normal? I took a screen shot with the 2 Rooms of my dock with the 2 Roon icons, can I send it to you?

Sometimes behavior like this occurs if you have one copy of the application installed and open, and then you try to launch the copy of the application that’s on the installer “.dmg”.