Help Roon dropouts and skips

For the last 2 days Roon has started to randomly stop playing for one or two seconds then resume or jump to the next selection. Help. I’ve rebooted many times but it presists.

Mac Mini running as a headless server all SSD drives
Latest Roon and Mac software
Control with an iPad

Hi @Richard_Thorpe ---- Thank you for the report and sorry to hear of the troubles.

Moving froward, to help aide in our evaluation of this behavior you are experiencing would you kindly please provide me with the following information:

  • Please verify where you musical collection is being stored/accessed from.
  • A description of your active audio zones.
  • Do you experiencing dropouts/skipping on all of these zones?

Additionally, we have some very good documentation in our knowledge base about what can cause dropouts and the best approach for troubleshooting them. May I kindly ask you to give the article a read and let me know what you have tried thus far?


Unfortunatly today I cannot duplicat the problem. Thank you for your reply.

Closed due to inactivity. If you are still seeing this issue, please open a new support thread.