Help with Tags selection

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I create smart playlist use Focus to select tags - '60s' & 'Dance'. It selects all tracks with these tags instead of selecting tracks that have both of these tags.

Describe your network setup

orbi modem

I believe there is a feature request out for this . Search the forum or “Boolean”

There has been a long standing request for AND and OR to be included in Focus.

Hi @Hector_Moreno,
Thanks for reporting this to us. I’m going to make a ticket with our development team for this. Can you give us the exact steps you followed to reach this state? Our first step will be to try to reproduce this state in-house.

Hi @Hector_Moreno,
We’ve confirmed with the product team that this is the current expected behavior for focus. As @Mike_O_Neill you can make a feature request for this or vote for that request if it already exists.

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