High Usage Statistics for RoonAppliance in Network Settings (ref#LTQ2VW)

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Hi, my real subscription started after the 2 free weeks. Now I'm looking at my network settings and I see the Usage statistics.... RoonAppliance 33 Gb!

Describe your network setup

Zyxel T-56 router, a TP-Link Tl-SG105 switch

Hi @aubrmarc,

To help put this in context what is the size of your music library (Total number of tracks)?

When Roon is first installed it pulls lot a lot (GB’s of metadata data including all the album art etc.), I’m wondering if the 30GB figure include that initial setup “cost”. Are you able to show stats on a per day basis, or say for the last week rather than the last 30 days?

Hello @aubrmarc ,

Did you by any chance have a Roon zone playing in the background that you perhaps did not notice was playing? What does your Recent Listening statistics show under Home?

Hi Carl,

Thanks for your reply.

I’ve about 1000 tracks, which is nothing compared what I read in all the topics.

Reading lots of topics I understood there are 4 components: Roon (the application), RoonServer, RAAT and RoonAppliance.

Trying to find out how everything fits together I got frustrated and uninstalled everything, while I read that Roon and Roonserver are typically not installed on the same machine,

So, maybe I got skip Roon when installing RoonServer I thought, but that is apparently not the case.
So, after installation I see RAAT, Roon, RoonGoer, Roonserver

Subsequently I reset the data usage, I listened for about 20 minutes and I showed 1 GB.

I understand that there’s an initial built up of the DB, but 34 Gb for just 1000 tracks looks absurd to me.

Am I doing something wrong or what?

This weekend I wil do some listening again and see what happens.

Best regards,


Hi Noris,

I see this 2h24 m for the last 4 weeks.

I am not aware of Roon zone playing in the background. How can I detect this?


So, did some listening for approx 1,5 hour and this is what I see.
As indicated my library is peanuts, I only use Tidal, but still withing this 90 mins almost 4 gb again.
What is RoonAppliance doing?
Screenshot 2024-07-28 010036

Did you listen to hi-res (at what resolution?) or CD quality on Tidal? 24/192 FLAC is several GB in 90 Minutes. (In uncompressed form and just the raw samples it would be 6.2 GB. The FLAC compression would normally make it smaller at about 3.7 GB but it depends and isn’t very far off)

For this session it was all 16/44.1kHz.
Furthermore Tidal indicates that on average streaming of their tracks takes approx 7.5 Mb/min i.e. that would mean about 700 Mb for the 9 mins.
3.7 Gb is a factor 5 higher…
So, the question remains: what is RoonAppliance exactly doing?

Ok, if it was 16/44 then it’s too high for just streaming, but I didn’t know that.

(At 24/192 it would not be far off because, whatever Tidal says, this is 2 channels * 24 bits * 192,000 times per second = ~69 MB per minute in raw data rate and ~40 MB as FLAC. Add possible resends, overhead, and possibly other things it may have been doing that uses data in addition to the audio streaming)

I agree, if that was the case yes. Thanks for your thoughts, very appreciated.
Is there no one else, who might have an answer?

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I guess we need official support back to take a look

Hey @aubrmarc,

Thanks for your additional report. If you can, please reproduce the issue, or get into a similar state, take note of the specific date, time, and song name (if applicable) and then please use the directions found here and send over a set of Roon Server logs to our File Uploader?


Hi Benjamin,

Thanks for your reaction and help.

I’ve uploaded the log file as requested.

Below the steps I executed.

Before I started, I made a screenshots of statistics (13,55 Gb for a couple of hours)…

Reset of data usage statistics.

Played all tracks below via Tidal on August 4, 2028.

Track 1
Start time: 23:09 CET
Song: The Flat Earth - Thomas Dolby
Format: Flac 44.1 kHz, 16 bit, MQA, 44.1 kHz

Track 2
Start time: 23:15 CET
Song: What you won’t do for love - Bobby Caldwell
Format: Flac 44.1 kHz, 16 bit, MQA, 44.1 kHz

Track 3
Start time: 23:21 CET
Song: Liberty, Anette Askvik
Format: Flac 48 kHz, 24 bit

Track 4
Start time: 23:27 CET
Song: Fragile, Sting
Format: Flac 44.1 kHz, 16 bit

Track 5
Start time: 23:32 CET
Song: Fantasy, Earth Wind and Fire
Format: Flac 96 kHz, 24 bit

Track 6
Start time: 23:37 CET
Song: Crazy on you, Heart
Format: Flac 44.1 kHz, 16 bit

Track 7
Start time: 23:43 CET
Song: Blue Bayou, Linda Ronstadt
Format: Flac 44.1 kHz, 16 bit, MQA, 44.1 kHz

At this point I stopped, and checked the data usage.So, for just these 7 songs 840 Mb is used…

Log files
In the Roon folder there is no new log file with date August 4th.
In the Roonserverfolder I see a new log file. So created a Zip file of RoonServer/Log, which I’ve uploaded (aubrmarc.zip)


Hi @aubrmarc,
Thanks for providing those timestamps! We have activated logging on your account. In order for us to get the report back can you please leave your Roon server on for a few minutes?

Hi Daniel, the sever is up and running.
Please be aware that I’m not listening to music, so there is no impact on Roonappliance data usage and it is still showing the 844 mb of the 7 tracks I reported earlier.
The moment I start to listen it will rise excessively again.

Hi @daniel, any news of the logging?


Hey @aubrmarc one theory which I’ve heard posited by our engineering team is that because it’s Windows which is measuring data on your network, it could not only be the weight of the music coming from TIDAL, but the uncompressed PCM audio being streamed from Roon to your endpoint. If so, that’s in line with what we’d expect, as uncompressed PCMs would be huge.

Can you do a test—try playing the same tracks in Roon and TIDAL and see what you get from your data measuring tool?

Hi @aubrmarc,

I wanted to check in and see if you were able to test out Michaels question above?

We’ll be monitoring for your reply, thank you! :+1:

Hi Michael, I think it’s due to the Tidal Hifi Plus subscription. I was not aware of this and apparently this subscription uses quite some data.

thanks for all the reactions and support.

Kind regards

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