History doesn’t show percentage of track played anymore [Roon Ticket In]

The history tab doesn’t seem to show the percentage of the track played anymore. This can be quite handy when listening to extended tracks and you’re interrupted in the middle. Am I missing something? Is there a way to show this that I’m overlooking? Thanks.

It does for me, but I am on the latest Early Access build 1410 (as released today), so if this might be missing in the current Production release, then I wouldn’t know. Though in this case it seems you can expect that it should come back :slight_smile:

I"m on production and my version is showing percentages. Are you using your PC or something else to view History. For example, percentages don’t show on the phone Roon Remote. Not sure about tablets.

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Fine on my iPad as well

I’m using an iPad.

Weird. No idea other than asking if it’s up to date?

I believe this should be current:

For me, it depends on the size of the window. (I’m using Windows.) If my window is narrow, the percentages are not shown, but if I make the window wider, they are shown.

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Right, good point. Based on the screenshot, @Peter_Zwiefelhofer seems to be using portrait - I don’t have the percentages and time in portrait either, and I have a 12.9 Pro. I do have the navigation bar on the left though (collapsed, of course).

All is there in landscape

My display is the same regardless of whether I’m in portrait or landscape. I’m using an iPad with the latest iOS.

Then I’m at a loss. Which iPad, how many inches?

I’ve got a ninth generation iPad. A2602. 10.2 inch screen.

Everything shows up when I launch Roon on my windows, laptop.

Weird :man_shrugging: I’m moving this thread to Support for proper visibility for official support

Thank you!

Hi @Peter_Zwiefelhofer,

Excellent eye! Thanks for writing in and bringing this to our attention (thank you as well @Suedkiez for moving it to support. :pray:)

We’ve made a ticket for our team to take a closer look. Our initial thoughts are around the screen size of the 9th gen iPad being smaller vs other models, and how Roons logic handles display options.

I should have more information to share by the end of the week. :+1:

Don’t want this topic to close and we’re approaching 14 days.

I would point out that there’s plenty of white space on my iPad when viewing history. It’s not like there’s a lack of screen space to display percentage played.

Also, I played around with text sizes on my iPad and that made no difference at all.

Hope to hear from support soon. :crossed_fingers:

Hi @Peter_Zwiefelhofer,

Thanks for the follow up and my apologies for the delay in getting back to your issue! Our team is still in the process of reproducing it in house.

Could you please sent over a set of your iPad Roon logs? You can use the directions found here and send over a set of logs to our File Uploader. Thanks!

I have sent over my logs folder.


Hey @Peter_Zwiefelhofer,

Thanks for the follow up, but it looks like you may have sent over your Roon Server logs, rather than the logs from your affected iPad,

  1. First toggle “Save logs to Files on next startup” from your iOS Settings for the Roon App.
  2. Reproduce the issue.
  3. Access your Files App on the phone and upload the log file.


I’ve uploaded the file as you requested. Hopefully I got it right this time. :crossed_fingers: