Hos do I use iPad or Samsung Phone as endpoint?

I’m running core on a Windows 10 PC in my basement. I’m wondering is it possible to use an iPad or Samsung phone S6 or S7 as endpoint one floor up?

Mainly for earphone listening. Right now I get my S6 as an output device in that phone but when I enable it nothing sounds.

Should this work? Or do I have to get a streamer like Bluesound?


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Hi Jonas,

The iPad can only be used as a Roon remote device right now however, you should be able to install Roon on the Samsung and then use that as both a remote and an audio output (provided it is connected via WiFi to the same LAN that the Roon Core is running on).

Have you tried installing Roon on the Samsung yet?

I have Roon as remote on the S6. In settings - audio it says " connected to this phone" and its default output. When I enable it starts playing in my basement. Not in my phone. I noticed at the bottom of the screen it plays through my Primare Wasapi output. Which is the same that I use on my core when listening in the basement. Should I disable the output Primare DAC audio Wasapi?

Hi again,

Roon is multi zone, and remotes can control any zone… so you need to select the zone you wish to control before starting to play music.

It sounds like your Samsung is presently controlling the basement zone … so just click on the audio device icon to bring up a list of zones then switch it to the local zone on your phone.

That did the trick! Thank you😇

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