How can I edit track 3 so the album displays correctly?

Something I’m missing as I’m sure I edited tracks earlier but m aybe the process has changed.

I had a track missing in an album so downloaded it and sucessfully incorportated it into the album BUT it does not displat in line with the other tracks, yet in Windows Explorer it appears correctly.
The screen shots which follow demonstrate what I mean…

Within Roon:

  1. First try to Rescan:

Click the circle with the three dots next to the Play now button, select ‘Edit…’ then ALBUM OPTIONS>Your files>Rescan album.

  1. You could try the Track grouping function:

Click the circle with the three dots, select ‘Edit…’ then ALBUM OPTIONS>Missing or extra tracks>Fix track grouping.

  1. You can also look at the metadata for track 2:

Click the ‘…’ next to the track, then select ‘Edit…’, then select the ‘EDIT TRACK’ section.

Note down the info, and compare against what you see for track 3, update as neccesary.

Bear in mind that any edits will not alter the file metadata, just your Roon database.

Outside Roon:

Download something like:

Again, compare against a track with ‘good’ metadata, and update. And Rescan in Roon.

I’d take this approach. Always save a copy in case you really screw it up.

I like but they all seem to do the same thing.

It looks as if the track is titled correctly but in the actual metadata tag it may not be correct and that may be messing up roon.

I know formatting the song title correctly in the metatag will usually result in roon seeing the track as a work and part, but does anyone know if roons suggestion in Tagging Multi-Part Works using the WORK and PART tag still work in 1.8?

Thanks guys - later at night here now so I’ll tackle this tomorrow.

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