How do I avoid Roon import / scan my MP3 files?

How do I avoid Roon import / scan my MP3 files ? Or low quality in general ?
Yes, I know by not selecting that folder :grinning:

Default Roon import setting is:

/tmp/; /temp/; /.; .pmbmf

Will this then be the correct way to do it ?

/tmp/; /temp/; /.; .pmbmf/; /.mp3


From the description this a path exlusion…not an extension exclusion, so probably won’t help you. Maybe better to use focus to hide such mp3 or lower bitrate formats, but you would still have them in the library in the event you ever wanted to play something.

What’s the .pmbmf in the default? That looks like an extension.

If file extensions aren’t possible, I’d suggest they should be in the future.

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This is possible, but this pattern won’t quite do it. / will match against directory separators, so /.mp3 will ignore file or directory names that start with .mp3. You want this as your patterns:

/tmp/; /temp/; /.; .pmbmf/; .mp3

That would also ignore files or directories with “.mp3” anywhere in the middle of the name, but I don’t think that will be a real problem. There isn’t currently a way to match against only extensions or the end of file/directory names or similar.

Thanks Ben

Highly appreciated. ( and may I suggest a small update in the user guide about this)

Radio was playing all sort of “shit” :slight_smile:

@ben Well I stand corrected…maybe there will be a descriptor change for a future update and maybe some KB info if it’s not yet there…I must say I was too lazy to check and based it on the description… :blush:

I have any and all MP3s in a separate folder, so I can activate or de-activate at will. +1 on keeping the MP3s regardless.

Put all the files in a separate folder, then in settings/storage disable that folder. I excluded the default “Music Folder” in windows, as I use that only for temporary use. All FLAC and DSD have separate folders that are set to be scanned.